
Ministry of Education APEC Scholarship

a. An international scholar who is a Ph.D. student or a postdoctoral research fellow, with the exception of anyone currently holding an R.O.C. passport, is eligible to apply for an MOE Scholarship for People from Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Member Economies (abbreviated below to ‘MOE APEC Scholarship’). Priority will be given to specific research proposals by scholars who have completed a dissertation, book/s, and/or other publication/s.

b. ‘Ph.D. student’ refers to a student who is currently undertaking a doctorate program at an overseas government approved and registered public or private university or tertiary college at the time they are applying; a ‘postdoctoral research fellow’ refers to a scholar who has been awarded a Ph.D. by any overseas government approved and registered public or private university or tertiary college and is now undertaking a research project at such an overseas university, or tertiary college, or at an institute of higher education.

c. Please note that anyone in any of the following circumstances is not eligible to apply:

1. Anyone who at the time they apply is visiting, residing, studying (including undertaking an internship), teaching, or undertaking research activity in Taiwan;

2. Anyone who has received an MOE Short Term Research Award within the last 5 years;

3. Anyone who is currently receiving some form of financial assistance from a government agency or an educational institution in Taiwan to undertake a research project;
4. Anyone who would be an exchange student under some formal academic co-operation agreement signed between a university or tertiary college in Taiwan and an overseas university or tertiary college during the period undertaking the proposed research in Taiwan.

(一) 申請時未持有中華民國護照之APEC會員經濟體外國籍博士生或博士後研究員;以具有論文、著作或其他出版品等具體研究活動計畫者為優先。
(二) 前款所稱博士生,指申請時於外國政府核准立案之公私立大學校院就讀博士課程之學生;所稱博士後研究員,指於外國政府核准立案之公私立大學校院取得博士學位後,於外國政府核准立案之學術機構或大學校院內,進行研究計畫者。
(三) 具下列情形之一者,不得申請:
