

美國移民局(USCIS)發佈通告表示近來有不法人士以電話詐騙方式向國際學生進行身分盜竊,不法人士冒充該局官員致電,並偽造該局電話號碼顯示,向國際學生騙取社會安全碼、護照號碼等身分資料及要求支付相關規費。USCIS表示該局從不會以電話要求申請人提供個人資訊及支付款項,接到此類詐騙電話請即刻掛斷,如有疑問請致電該局客服專線1-800-375-5283,或上網http://infopass.uscis.gov/.預約InfoPass 服務。如有遭受此類詐騙,可向美國聯邦商業署https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/通報或上該局防詐騙網頁www.uscis.gov/avoidscams 查詢各州通報聯繫方式。  

In recent weeks, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) learned of a new telephone scam targeting USCIS applicants and petitioners. Scammers are using a technique called “Caller ID spoofing” to display a misleading or inaccurate phone number in a recipient’s Caller ID. The scammer poses as a USCIS official and requests personal information (such as Social Security number, passport number, or A-number), identifies supposed issues in the recipient’s immigration records, and asks for payment to correct these records.

If you receive a call like that, USCIS urges you to say “No, thank you” and hang up immediately.

USCIS never asks for any form of payment or personal information over the phone. Do not give payment or personal information over the phone to anyone who claims to be a USCIS official. In general, we encourage you to protect your personal information and not to provide details about your immigration application in any public area.

If you have been a victim of this telephone scam, please report it to the Federal Trade Commission at https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/, or report it to an appropriate state authority. (Visit www.uscis.gov/avoidscams for information on where to report scams in your state.)

If you have a question about your immigration record, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283, or make an InfoPass appointment by visiting our website at http://infopass.uscis.gov/.