


     Climbing Jade Mountain, Taiwan’s highest mountain


~ by Russell Pierce Shean , 2019 Taiwan Scholarship Recipient~

For such a small island, Taiwan is a place with incredible diversity. From Hualian you can drive a short twenty or thirty miles from the ocean at sea level to Hehuan Shan at above 3000 meters. Just a short distance from the skyscrapers of Taipei, you can be in jungle covered mountains or looking at rice fields surrounding an old siheyuan courtyard house. Probably because of this diversity, Taiwan is a stunningly beautiful place. I am blessed to have been able to travel around a bit while I was here and no matter what kind of scenery I happened to be in at the moment, I never stopped being amazed by where I was.

The people who live in Taiwan are also diverse with a range of different ethnic groups and religions and an even wider range of political beliefs. Taiwan is also a place in transition; in just a few decades Taiwan has transitioned from a dictatorship with the world’s longest declared period of martial law to a flourishing democracy with a lively media landscape and seemingly daily political protests. Taiwan has become a model of democracy, human rights, and open society for east Asia and the world. There are Taiwanese people alive today who have seen the Taiwanese economic transition from a Japanese colony to today’s silicon chip and high-tech powerhouse happen in just one lifetime. Taiwan still faces major challenges, but Taiwan’s recent success with Covid control shows that when the people and government are committed to a course of action, Taiwan can and does succeed. Taiwan learned the lessons from the mistakes that were made in response to SARS, and made major reforms that led to it leading the world in COVID control less than twenty years later. I believe this commitment to reform, self-reflection and constant reinvention is a model for the world and is why I’m proud to have made Taiwan my home away from home for the last year and a half.

I am grateful to National Taiwan University and the Taiwanese Ministry of Education for the financial support they provided to me to enroll in a master’s degree program in Taiwan. It was because of their support that I was able to fulfill my goal of pursuing a graduate degree and learn the skills I need to advance my career. At National Taiwan University, I studied public health and the timing and location could not have been better. Because of Taiwan’s success with controlling Covid, I was able to travel freely and pursue opportunities to learn outside of the classroom. National Taiwan University was an excellent place to study because they gave us a first-hand window into Taiwan’s health policy and governance systems including multiple visits to government health agencies and guest lecturers from government officials in the field. National Taiwan University’s professors are experts in their fields and many of them played important roles in providing the evidence base for infectious disease control policies and consulting with the government about Taiwan’s Covid response.

Taiwan and National Taiwan University are also great places to study public health for reasons other than Covid control. Taiwan has a comprehensive national health insurance system and ambitious and aggressive systems for promoting early health screenings and community health. National Taiwan University is an exciting and academically stimulating place to earn a graduate degree. The skills I learned and new ideas I was exposed to will last a lifetime.

I would like to especially thank my advisor Professor Hsien-Ho Lin for his research advice, teaching, and for serving as director of the program I was in. Despite being very busy, he was always willing to make time to provide guidance. He has a unique ability to clearly explain complicated concepts and his passion for the scientific process is infectious. (It’s partially because of his research in infectious disease control that the only thing I was infected with while I’ve been in Taiwan is a passion for science).  I would also like to thank Professor Chang Chuan Chan for providing some of the early leadership to start the program I was in and for teaching many of the classes in the program. Thank you also to Professor Andrei Akhmetzhanov for letting me occupy a seat in his office for several months and for introducing me to several trail running groups in Taipei. To the many other professors and classmates I met at NTU, I apologize for not thanking each of you individually, I would still like to thank you all for the classes each of you taught and the advice, connections , and friendship each of you provided me. Lastly, I would like to thank the Hsinchu City Public Health Bureau for graciously allowing me to intern with them over the summer. They made time and space for me to see a wide range of public health programs and activities. Because of their generosity and flexibility, I saw public health in action in a way that I wouldn’t have been able to see otherwise.

I graduated in February and I’m still deciding what I want to do next. It’s a bit scary, but also exciting to face the prospect of finding something new to do with my time and career. My plan, for now, is to stay in Taiwan and look for work. One of the main reasons for wanting to stay is that I feel that there is so much that I still don’t know about Taiwan. Prior to this master’s program, I had been to Taiwan twice before and in total, I’ve spent 3.5 of the last nine years living in Taiwan.  I've been to a lot of places in Taiwan and seen a lot of things, but I still feel like, with the exception of things related to public health, my understanding of Taiwan is still mostly surface-level. Stinky tofu and mountains; 7-11 and night markets; this sort of thing. Each time I’ve come back I’ve learned progressively more, but there is still so much I don’t know about Taiwan, its people, culture, history, politics, values and governance systems. As an example, the recent train wreck in Taiwan and subsequent revelations about major safety oversights and lax contracting procedures at the national railway administration made me realize that despite having spent countless hours on trains in Taiwan, I knew very little about the organization running the trains. It also got me wondering: how is it that Taiwan’s government was able to lead the world in Covid control while at the same time seems unable to seriously implement safety reform at the railway administration? I don’t have an answer right now, but I want to explore possible reasons and the larger social and cultural context.

Therefore, in addition to working, I plan to spend my time in Taiwan investigating everything I still want to learn about Taiwan as a hobby project. The end product of this side project will be a bilingual (Mandarin-English)  interview-based Youtube channel and blog that examines my questions in greater depth. I plan on interviewing NGOs working in the field, experts advocating for changes, and anyone else I come across whom I can learn from. I will group interviews by issues and then start by looking for publicly available data,  summarizing existing news, and then requesting interviews from a variety of people with different perspectives on the issue. As an example of my approach; one of the first topics I want to pursue is road safety, so I’ll start by looking for publicly available data on traffic accidents, do a bit of my own analysis on the data and read existing news. Then I’ll visit dangerous road sections to observe, then seek interviews from the police, traffic engineering experts, NGOs working to improve road safety, and maybe even people driving too fast on mountain roads to gather a variety of perspectives on the issue. Following this pattern, I plan to look at a variety of issues including environmental issues, Taiwan’s media landscape, workplace, and transportation safety, foreign guest workers in Taiwan, the Taiwanese transition to democracy, human rights, aboriginal Taiwanese, and anything else that I find interesting. I’m doing this project mostly for myself, but everyone is welcome to explore along with me. At this point, the project is just a dream, but I anticipate having content by the middle of May. If you’re interested, the name of the project will be “Tulips for Taiwan”; starting about May 15th you can search for “Tulips for Taiwan” on youtube or google to see what I’ve been doing.





1. 具英語教學、英美文學或人文社會學相關領域之國內外大學碩士以上學位。

2. 具大學全英語教學經驗者,外籍師資為優先。




Kaohsiung Medical University Faculty Opening

1.     Hiring Agency: Center for General Education/ The Center for Languages and Culture

2.  Qualification:

We are looking for applicants with a specialization in English (Linguistics, Cultural

studies, Literature, Humanities related field). Applicants should have the minimum

qualification of a master degree and an English university teaching experience.

Foreign teacher with a university EFL certificate is preferable and favorable.  

3.     Position Title: One Faculty Position in EFL Teaching

4.     Qualified candidates will be offered position upon the completion of the recruitment process.

5.     Vacancy Details: https://personnel.kmu.edu.tw/index.php/zh-TW/%E5%85%AC%E5%91%8A%E4%BA%8B%E9%A0%85/%E8%81%B7%E7%BC%BA%E5%85%AC%E5%91%8A/2506-%E6%9C%AC%E6%A0%A1%E9%80%9A%E8%AD%98%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF%83%E8%AA%9E%E8%A8%80%E8%88%87%E6%96%87%E5%8C%96%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF%83%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E%E5%B0%88%E6%A1%88%E6%95%99%E5%AD%B8%E5%A5%91%E7%B4%84%E4%BA%BA%E5%93%A1%E5%BE%B5%E6%B1%82%E5%85%AC%E5%91%8A-%E6%94%B6%E4%BB%B6%E6%88%AA%E6%AD%A2%E6%97%A5-110%E5%B9%B44%E6%9C%8830%E6%97%A5?fbclid=IwAR015vxn9LtFk010hbIGTHWuDjReOHB2ODWKLKzOLRh46pcNCc7KZ49wrWk


德州Cypress-Fairbanks 獨立學區預定解除強制性口罩令


德州Cypress-Fairbanks獨立學區與其他學區陸續宣布取消強制性口罩令,該學區總監Mark Henry告知家長自202167日起學童在校無需配戴口罩。





休士頓地區第3大的Katy 獨立學區於2021416日宣布於61日起終止配戴口罩要求。另第9大的Clear Creek獨立學區官員表示,夏季仍維持口罩配戴要求,期望於8月前變更為選擇性措施。






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美國大學校院協會主席Lynn Pasquerella表示,將有更多的教育機構相繼跟進。

康乃爾大學校長Martha Pollack與教務長Michael Kotlikoff發表聲明,指出因健康或宗教因素而無法接種疫苗的學生將予以通融,多數學生接種疫苗後,可望大幅降低新冠肺炎傳染風險。 



此前已對學生入學制定許多預防傳染疾病的疫苗接種要求,如小兒麻痺症、白喉、破傷風和百日咳等。美國50個州就讀公立學校的兒童,甚至是私立學校與日托中心的兒童,皆有需要配合的強制性疫苗接種。 雖此,於某種特殊情況仍予通融,如個人健康因素、宗教原因或個人意願問題。

羅格斯大學校長Jonthan Holoway指出,於學生免疫要求中增加新冠疫苗接種將帶給學生更安全的大學生活。該校學生可以因健康或宗教因素取得豁免疫苗接種,參加遠距學習的學生亦不會被要求。


美國倡議團體ParentsTogether 3月份的民調顯示,70%家長表示有意願接種疫苗,僅58%家長或監護人願意讓孩童接種疫苗。



該團體表示,我們需要立即與家長溝通,建立信任並讓其明瞭孩童接種新冠疫苗可保護自己、家人及社區所有人的健康。 除學生、家長及學區成員,學校仍須權衡教師、教職員、立法者與董事會的利益。






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卡內基先鋒高中(Carnegie Vanguard High School)在最新的挑戰指數排名前20的高中名列第5,在前10大磁石學校中排名第2,在南方10大學校居於第3

另外,青年女子學院預備學校(Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy, YWCPA) 在磁石學校排行榜上名列第10

2020挑戰指數 (The Challenge Index)預定於20215月的《教育下一步》期刊公布。

休士頓獨立學區臨時總監Grenita Lathan指出﹕「卡內基先鋒高中和YWCPA被公認為美國最精英的學校令我們感到榮幸,要取得如此令人驚艷的成就需要行政人員、教師和學生的不懈努力。

卡內基先鋒高中過去多年被主要雜誌評為美國頂尖的公立高中其提供9-12年級教育由於執行先鋒計畫,所有學生均為資優,並選讀大學先修課程(Advanced Placement)

青年女子學院預備學校於2020年獲得美國教育部藍絲帶學校的榮譽。該計畫表彰學生的高度學習成就及縮小學生間成績差距之典範表現。YWCPA6-12年級的女學生提供獨特的學習環境。其側重於大學入學準備和科學、技術、工程和數學(STEM)等理工領域的學習。所有核心課程為大學先修課程或預前大學先修課程 (Pre Advanced Placement)






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一、 依據本校院長遴選辦法、社會科學院院長遴選要點及社會科學院院長遴選委員會110年3月31日第一次會議決議辦理。
二、 院長任期自110年8月1日起,任期三年,得連任一次。
三、 院長候選人應具備下列條件:
四、 院長候選人由系、所、學位學程推薦,或校內外自行登記參選,或經遴選委員會全體委員三分之一以上之連署舉薦。
五、 院長人選為校外人士時,就任前須依新聘教師聘任程序聘為本校專任教授。
六、 本校社會科學學院簡介:請參見網頁
七、 候選人登記表、相關書面資料及電子檔,請於110年5月7日下午5時前,寄至本校社會科學院院長遴選委員會(人事室葉尉鑫先生代收),並請確認寄達與否。
八、 本校院長遴選辦法、社會科學院院長遴選要點、院長候選人推薦表及資料表等相關資訊刊登本校網頁:





RAND 公司針對全美秋季採遠距、面授及混合教學之特教老師進行問卷結果顯示,遠距教學的教師採用小組及11的指導方式,但多數學生未如期完成作業。


RAND公司研究人員Laura Stelitano 表示,新冠疫情對教育界造成重大影響,各界擔心這可能對公立學校近700萬名身心障礙學生造成嚴重打擊,擔憂對學生進行小組與11的教學,學生能否有效學習令人質疑。

多數教師表示,他們每周至少為身心障礙學生提供1次個人及小組指導。結果顯示,教師回報特教生在各學習方式中完成功課的比率為: 面授51%;遠距29%;混合32%



儘管全美多數學校已準備重啟校園,身心障礙學生於此時並非被優先考慮面授教學的對象。據美國教育部於新冠疫情中的學校調查顯示,20213月開始,有45%的小學與52%的國中將身心障礙學生的面授教學列為重啟校園優先計畫之一。對比2021年初僅42 小學採面授教學略為提升。然而,州與州之間差異極大。

波士頓、德州沃斯堡與加州聖地亞哥的公立學校表示將優先考慮對身心障礙學生採面授教學,而華府僅66%特教生轉為面授教學,新墨西哥州的Albuquerque,內華達州Clark 縣與費城則未提供面授教學課程。






Education Week

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一、 依據本校院長遴選辦法、文學院院長遴選要點及文學院院長遴選委員會11039日第一次會議決議辦理。

二、 院長任期自11081日起,任期二年,得連任一次。

三、 院長候選人應具備下列條件:




四、 院長候選人由本校各系、所、學位學程推薦,或自行登記參選,或經遴選委員會全體委員三分之一以上之連署舉薦。

五、 院長人選為校外人士時,就任前須依新聘教師聘任程序聘為本校專教授。

六、 本校文學院簡介:請參見網頁


七、 候選人登記表、相關書面資料及電子檔,請於110419日下午5時前,寄至本校文學院院長遴選委員會(人事室葉尉鑫先生代收),並請確認寄達與否。

八、 本校院長遴選辦法、文學院院長遴選要點、院長候選人推薦表及資料表等相關資訊刊登本校網頁:




